Pushlets - java comet 開發紀錄
Pushlets - java comet 官網 : http://www.pushlets.com/ 參考 : https://code.google.com/p/thinking-in-programming/wiki/pushlet IDE : Eclipse APServer : Tomcat Java version : 1.6 1. 下載 pushlet http://sourceforge.net/projects/pushlets/files/ 解壓縮後 /client : additional (non-J2SE) clients /src : all Java sources /webapps : pushlet.war file with the examples; also unpacked in the pushlet subdir /doc : all documentation /lib : the pushlet.jar and pushletclient.jar libraries /thirdparty : external libraries 2. ajax 使用到的 pushlet 檔案 ajax-pushlet-client.js pushlet.properties sources.properties pushlet.jar 3. 針對指定的對象發送,並能傳遞參數 ( 紅字部分為新增 ) 3.1. 修改 ajax-pushlet-client.js 新增參數定義 /** Namespaced Pushlet functions. */ var PL = { NV_P_FORMAT: 'p_format=xml-strict', ...